Memos and Moments

Money Online

Learn how to make money online. Different ways to monetize your online presence.

Why you need a website

You Need A Website

While social media platforms can be effective for advertising and engaging with customers, a website gives you more control over your online presence. Social media profile is like a property you rent, your website – is like a property you own …

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Bluehost and WordPress

Website for Startups

If you are ready to build a website for a startup, and your budget will not allow you to hire a professional, the combination of Bluehost and WordPress is a good option. Creating and maintaining a website is not extremely complicated anymore. There are many good Website Builders out there. But while some of them look easy to use, in the long run, they may prove not very effective.

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why write a blog

Why Write A Blog?

Why do I write a blog? After all I am a graphic designer and photography enthusiast. I admire colors and harmony and believe that “one picture is worth ten thousand words”. I also like to communicate using pictures. There are a few reasons…

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Bluehost and WordPress

Bluehost and WordPress

Some say social media is a good place to start your online presence but if you are serious about your business sooner or later you will need to create and maintain a website. Bluehost and WordPress make a great combo to create a website and blog.

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Online Income Ideas

Income Ideas

Involved for almost two decades in web graphics design I could not overlook the growing trend to monetize online presence through online income ideas. Finally, I decided to try three of them myself. I considered certain qualities when selecting them..

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